Updated 11 seconds ago at 05:54. Times below in UTC, UTC now is 04:54
Wind 1 gusting 2 knot from 309°. Runway 28 has No Cross Wind
Humidity 97%. Calculated Cloud Base 200 feet. No Rain.
Theoretical Runway28
Cross Wind (RW 28)0ktsGusting 1 kts
Today Max2.6ktsat 00:30 UTC
10 Min Average0.7kts
Temperature & Humidity
Dew Point8.7°C
- Today Min9.1°Cat 04:05 UTC
- Today Max13.5°Cat 00:40 UTC
- Today Min95%at 00:00 UTC
- Today Max97%at 02:10 UTC
Barometric Pressure
QFE1012 hPa
- Today Min1012 hPaat 00:00 UTC
- Today Max1012 hPaat 00:00 UTC
QNH1013 hPa
- Today Min1014 hPaat 00:00 UTC
- Today Max1014 hPaat 00:00 UTC
Rain & Cloud Base
- All Day0mm
- Storm0mm
- Month0mm
- Year0mm
Calc Cloud Base200ftAGL
Sunrise & Sunset
Sun Rise05:19Local
Sun Set20:52Local
Time Now05:54Local
VFR Day Starts04:49Local
VFR Day Ends21:22Local
VFR Day Length16:33

The theoretical runway and all other weather data shown MUST NOT be used for planning purposes.All pilots must satisfy themselves of the correct runway and suitability of the weather, before attempting to land or take off.Cloud base is calculated from temperature & dew point.

Custom Graphics & Calculations by Carl Meek carlmeek@gmail.com. Data collected from Davis Vantage Pro 2 Weather Station.